Sunday, December 25, 2005

Carmel Cheer Squad & Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning was kind enough to pose with The 2005 Indiana State Cheer Competition winners. Every year through Peyton’s PEYBACK Foundation, several high school football teams are invited to play in the RCA Dome. Lindsay and the Carmel Cheer Squad had a great time talking with Peyton and posing for pictures.

Looking at the picture, Lindsay is the second to the right of Peyton.(knee Up)

Monday, December 19, 2005

Merry Christmas


Happy New Years!
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Juno & Lacey

Juno in his Christmas outfit. His eyes match his hat!! He really did not like the hat ... poor dog! Posted by Picasa

It's the reindeer dog!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Lindsay, John and Lacey

What a GREAT photo
Lindsay, John and Lacey
Picture on the beach in Washington State Posted by Picasa